Masters project: Condensation in porous media: a fractal analysis of avalanches
This post documents my masters thesis, completed in May 2022, under the supervision of Dr Sergei Taraskin. The subject of the paper is the disorder-induced phase transition that occurs in a lattice-gas model of condensation within a highly porous, disordered substrate such as aerogel. I like to call the model the ‘porous lattice gas model’, but its creators, Kierlik, Rosinberg, Tarjus, and Pitard 1, did not use that name.
The paper itself is attached as a pdf below, and I have reproduced the abstract for this webpage. Meanwhile, all the code is available on my GitHub, and there is an example listing from the main numerical module below.
The random-field Ising model is the archetypical system for modelling phase transitions in disordered systems, and it provided the first example of a disorder-induced critical point. More recently, analogous critical behaviour has been discovered in the porous lattice gas model of condensation in a disordered medium. It is an open question whether these two critical points are in the same universality class, as is the case for the conventional 3-dimensional Ising model and the liquid-gas transition. Here, we investigate this possibility by calculating the fractal dimensions of the so-called spanning avalanches that occur in the porous lattice gas transition; these dimensions are universal exponents. We estimate that the volumetric fractal dimension of one type of spanning avalanche, known as subcritical 3-dimensional, is 0.971 ± 003, in contradiction with previous estimates from the random-field Ising model, of 0.993 ± 007. There remain, however, doubts about the validity of this number.
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Program module with the key numerical routines for sandbox analysis
! Filename: sandbox.f95
! Core code to perform sandbox analysis on a single avalanche. To be called by
! program main stored in main.f95
module sandbox
implicit none
subroutine main_loop(coords, A, T, mp, vp, mf, vf)
integer, intent(in) :: &
coords(:,:), & ! BCC coordinates of avalanche fluid cells
A(:,:,:), & ! Array representation of avalanche
T(:,:,:) ! Array representation of pore space
real*8, intent(out) :: &
mp(:), & ! Mean number of pore cells in bounding box of linear size
! [index]
vp(:), & ! As above, but variance
mf(:), & ! Mean number of fluid cells in bounding box of linear
! size [index]
vf(:) ! As above, but variance
integer, allocatable :: tessA(:,:,:), tessT(:,:,:), ii(:,:,:), iiT(:,:,:)
integer :: x, y, z, coord(3), lmax, l
integer*8 :: n, numsites, f, p
! Get important sizes from arguments
numsites = size(coords, 1)
lmax = size(A, 1)
! [1, lmax]^3 references the centre of the tesselated system
allocate(tessA(-lmax+1 : 2*lmax, -lmax+1 : 2*lmax, -lmax+1 : 2*lmax), &
tessT(-lmax+1 : 2*lmax, -lmax+1 : 2*lmax, -lmax+1 : 2*lmax), &
ii(-lmax : 2*lmax, -lmax : 2*lmax, -lmax : 2*lmax), &
iiT(-lmax : 2*lmax, -lmax : 2*lmax, -lmax : 2*lmax))
! One greater on each dimension to prevent OOB
! Tesselate A 3x3x3 times to deal with periodic BCs. Then, make
! integral image from it
do x = -lmax + 1, lmax + 1, lmax
do y = -lmax + 1, lmax + 1, lmax
do z = -lmax + 1, lmax + 1, lmax
tessA(x : x+lmax-1, y : y+lmax-1, z : z+lmax-1) = A
tessT(x : x+lmax-1, y : y+lmax-1, z : z+lmax-1) = T
end do
end do
end do
call makeii(lmax, tessA, ii)
call makeii(lmax, tessT, iiT)
! Calculate total mass in system
mp = 0.; vp = 0.; mf = 0.; vf = 0.
# ifdef DEBUG
write(*, "(a8, i8, 5a4)") 'origin /', numsites, 'x', 'y', 'z', 'l'
# endif
! Main loop
do n = 1, numsites
coord = coords(n, :)
! Can save effort for single-element boxes
f = A(coord(1), coord(2), coord(3))
p = T(coord(1), coord(2), coord(3))
call iterate_stats(n, mf(1), vf(1), f)
call iterate_stats(n, mp(1), vp(1), p)
do l = 2, lmax
#ifdef DEBUG
write(*, '(a, i16, 5i4)', advance='no') achar(13), n, coord, l
call iisum(lmax, l, ii, coord, f)
call iisum(lmax, l, iiT, coord, p)
call iterate_stats(n, mf(l), vf(l), f)
call iterate_stats(n, mp(l), vp(l), p)
end do
end do
! E(x^2) - (E(x))^2
vp = vp - mp**2
vf = vf - mf**2
# ifdef DEBUG
# endif
end subroutine main_loop
subroutine makeii(D, A, ii)
! Construct the integral image (Viola, Jones 2004) from a given array.
! Had to make the argument list a bit ugly to retain funky subscripts
integer, intent(in) :: D ! 1/3 * sidelength of A
! Array ('image') we wish to compute sums on
integer, intent(in), dimension(-D+1:2*D, -D+1:2*D, -D+1:2*D) :: A
! Output object for integral image
integer, intent(out),dimension(-D:2*D, -D:2*D, -D:2*D) :: ii
integer :: x, y, z
ii = 0
do x = -D + 1, 2*D ! Recall ii has non-standard subscripts
do y = -D + 1, 2*D
do z = -D + 1, 2*D
ii(x, y, z) = A(x, y, z) &
+ ii(x-1, y, z) + ii(x, y-1, z) + ii(x, y, z-1) &
- ii(x-1, y-1, z) - ii(x-1, y, z-1) - ii(x, y-1, z-1) &
+ ii(x-1, y-1, z-1)
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine makeii
subroutine iisum(lmax, l, ii, centre, mass)
! Compute a box sum on an array by utilising the integral image
! representation. This method performs independently of box size.
integer, intent(in) :: lmax
! The integral image array
integer, dimension(-lmax:2*lmax,-lmax:2*lmax,-lmax:2*lmax), intent(in) :: ii
integer, intent(in) :: l ! Sidelength of box to sum
integer, intent(in) :: centre(3) ! Centre of box
integer*8, intent(out) :: mass ! Where the total will be put
integer :: lb(3)
if (mod(l, 2) == 0) then ! Test even
lb = centre - (l/2 - 1) - 1 ! Asymmetric bounds
lb = centre - (l - 1)/2 - 1 ! Symmetric bounds
end if
! Can be expressed more succintly but this needs to go fast
mass = ii(lb(1) + l, lb(2) + l, lb(3) + l) &
- ii(lb(1) + l, lb(2) + l, lb(3) ) &
- ii(lb(1) + l, lb(2) , lb(3) + l) &
- ii(lb(1) , lb(2) + l, lb(3) + l) &
+ ii(lb(1) + l, lb(2) , lb(3) ) &
+ ii(lb(1) , lb(2) + l, lb(3) ) &
+ ii(lb(1) , lb(2) , lb(3) + l) &
- ii(lb(1) , lb(2) , lb(3) )
end subroutine iisum
subroutine iterate_stats(n, mean, sumsq, datum)
! Update mean and sum of squares using 'datum' when moving from n - 1 to n
! data points. i.e. this should first be called with n=1.
integer*8, intent(in) :: n
integer*8, intent(in) :: datum
real*8, intent(inout) :: mean, sumsq
mean = (datum + (n - 1)*mean) / n
sumsq = (datum**2 + (n - 1)*sumsq) / n
end subroutine iterate_stats
end module sandbox
A word on copyright
Unless otherwise stated, all written material, images, and code on this webpage and in the paper are entirely my own work. If you wish to reuse anything, I would kindly request that you clearly credit myself and Dr Taraskin.
Kierlik, E., Rosinberg, M. L., Tarjus, G. & Pitard, E. Molecular Physics 95, 341–351. (1998). ↩